Let It Begin
(click the arrows to explore all 3 texts)
Thirty years later it’s time
Thirty years and now the day has arrived
Thirty years over the waiting subsides
As the Father looks down, says He’s loved, He is Mine
Forty long days in the desert He fought
Forty long days He resisted Death’s thoughts
Forty long days He had suffered like us
Then He told Death to leave, time to go, time to teach, He said
Let it begin
Let it now start
Come follow Me and I’ll show you your part
Trust and believe
Come and you’ll see
So put down your nets, let’s begin, follow Me
One message He gave to us
One message about The Kingdom of God
One message known before dust
This message is true, it’s good news, it’s for you, He said
Let it begin
Let it now start
Come follow Me and I’ll show you your part
Trust and believe
Come and you’ll see
So put down your nets, let’s begin, follow Me
A voice of one calls
“Prepare ye the way of
The Lord and make straight paths for Him”
Every valley be filled
Every mountain made low
For the people will see God’s salvation within
Let it begin
Let it now start
Come follow Me and I’ll show you your part
Trust and believe
Come and you’ll see
So put down your nets, let’s begin, follow Me
Trust and believe
Come and you’ll see
So put down your nets, let’s begin, follow Me

Dive Deeper
Put down your nets, let’s begin, Follow Me...
Simon Peter and Andrew (Matthew 4:18-20)
As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew casting a net into the sea. They were fishermen. Jesus says to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”, and immediately they left their nets and followed Jesus.
James and John, the sons of Zebedee (Matthew 4:21-22)
As Jesus was continuing on his way, He saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother. They were in a boat with their father, mending their nets. As Jesus called to them, they immediately left their boat and their father and they followed Jesus. They relinquished the commitment they had to their family business and their livelihood to follow Jesus.
Philip (John 1:43-51)
Jesus had decided to go to Galilee. As He was going, He found Philip and said to him “Follow me.” Philip went and told Nathanael that they had found the man that the prophets had talked about. Nathanael went and saw Jesus and Jesus recognized him. Nathanael asked how Jesus knew him and Jesus responded that even before Philip called Him, Jesus saw Nathanael under the fig tree. Jesus told them that they will see even greater things in following Him.
Bartholomew (Matthew 10:2-4)
Bartholomew’s occupation is not mentioned in the scriptures, but he too answered Jesus’ call. Bartholomew spent three years with Jesus witnessing his miracles and hearing His teachings, alongside Philip, whom he is closely associated with.
Thomas the tax collector (John 20:24-29)
He is known by many names, Twin, Didymus, and Doubting Thomas. No matter what name is given to him, he is called to be one of the twelve all the same. When Jesus appeared after being resurrected, he said to Thomas “Put your finger here, and see my hands… do not disbelieve, but believe.” And Thomas did believe that the man he was looking at was Jesus Christ
Matthew the tax collector (Matthew 9:9-13)
Jesus was passing by when he saw a man called Matthew sitting at a tax booth. Jesus said to him, “Follow me” and Matthew arose and followed him. Although the Pharisees questioned why Jesus reclined with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus said that He came to call the sinners. In calling Matthew, Jesus revealed his definition of discipleship, that even the least of all are to follow him.
James the son of Alphaeus (Matthew 10:2-4)
Much like Bartholomew, the occupation of James is not mentioned, but he is just as much part of the 12 disciples. James was possibly the brother of Jesus, though many scholars debate this fact. Regardless of his family tree, James was sent out to preach and share the gospel much like the rest of the disciples, for this was his calling.
Thaddaeus (John 14:22)
Likely born and raised in Galilee, Thaddaeus lived alongside Jesus during his years of ministry and loyally served Christ despite the persecution and trials. He was the disciple who asked Jesus why He only revealed himself to the disciples and not the whole world. This simple question shows that Thaddaeus had a heart for the world and the nations, wanting to share with others
Simon the Zealot (Matthew 10:2-4)
Zealot, which translated in Hebrew is Kanai, means one who is zealous on behalf of God. The fact that this word is even tacked onto the end of Simon’s name shows that he is defined by his zeal. This is the same zeal that made Jesus call Peter to be the very rock that he would found the church upon.
Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus (Luke 22:1-6)
Judas was the official treasurer among the disciples, even though he would steal and help himself to the contents. He is known for betraying Jesus, as he specifically looked for an opportunity to hand Jesus over. It could have been his greed that caused him to betray Jesus or also the enemy who entered Judas, leading him to betray Jesus. Even though Jesus called Judas Iscariot to follow him as one of his disciples, Judas would eventually hand him over to his death.
Each of these people were disciples of Jesus Christ even though they had different occupations and lifestyles. Jesus came and called each of them to follow Him, and the disciples responded in leaving behind the things of this world and following. They dropped their nets, they left their homes, they trusted that Jesus was going to provide for them. Isn’t that the most beautiful, awe-striking part? As we leave behind the things of this world, as we answer the voice of Jesus to follow Him, He provides for us and is faithful to take care of each and every one of his followers. We may lose the things of this world, but we gain so much more in being a part of God’s Kingdom work.
Questions for Reflection
What is your current/future occupation? How have you been using your occupation to show the love of Christ? In what ways could you continue to witness to others?
Have you ever experienced a time when you felt like God was asking you to leave behind something of this world and follow him? How did you respond? What was the most challenging thing about feeling that call?
How does God speak to you? Reflect on times in the past where you have seen/felt God speaking to you and share with others. If you are not sure how He speaks to you, spend some time with him and open your heart, believing that he is a good God who wants to speak to his children.

Biblical Point of View(s):
Jesus, John the Baptist, the Disciples
Musical Explanation:
The song begins with two males’ voices. The first voice is
representative of a disciple telling of the excitement of the
Messiah who has finally come. The second voice is a voice to
represent Jesus.
The male voices in this song represent Jesus and the disciples while the female voices represent the woman who accompanied Jesus on his journey such as Mary Magdalene.
As the song progresses, more voices are added over time to symbolize the gathering of Jesus’ disciples as they leave their lives behind and follow Him.
Each verse of the song begins with a different number. The first verse begins with “thirty” to represent how Jesus was at the start of His ministry. The second verse begins with “forty” to represent how long Jesus spent in the desert and was tempted by Satan. The third verse beings with “one” to represent the oneness of the trinity and also the distinctness of Christ’s mission and personhood. There is no one like Him nor will there ever be.
While the verses of the songs are meant to be sung from a disciple’s point of view the chorus of the songs is from Jesus’ point of view, inviting the disciples to join Him in His work. Finally, the bridge of the song is from the point of view of John the Baptist as He prepares the way for the Lord.
In the Bridge the words read “For the people will see God’s salvation within”. This is referring with the new covenant Christ will establish through His life, death, and resurrection.
In verse 2 the woman sing “Forty long days He resisted Death’s thoughts”. Death is referring to Satan.
In verse 3 the vocalists sing “One message known before dust”. Dust is referring to God’s foreknowledge of every event. Meaning, God knew Jesus was going to come to earth before man was created.
How to sing:
This song is to be sung with the eagerness felt when beginning a new adventure with friends. This song sets up the rest of the other parable songs, it is the beginning! There is Immense excitement of what is to come and also joy in knowing who you are adventuring alongside. As you listen to/sing this song envision yourself leaving home, you pack your bags, you know once you walk out the door your life is forever going to change, you are excited, a little nervous, but ready for it to begin.