After a year of dreaming, months of planning, and days of driving, singing, and sharing, our first tour has come to a close! We had the opportunity to share during 9 different concerts where we were able to meet hundreds of people from various places. This was such a blessing and the Lord moved in powerful ways. Although we could write down numerous stories from these last few weeks, there is one in particular that we want to share.
To give some background, when we went to each church we brought equipment: cords, speakers, instruments, microphones, and additional equipment. In every church, this helped us throughout the duration of our concert to project our voices and sound together as a group. However, there was one night when it began to rain during the second half of the concert. We didn’t think much of it, but then the rain grew louder and was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Before we knew it, all the power in the church went out. As a group of musicians, we kept going even though the microphones cut out, the piano went silent and all the speakers stopped working. In that moment, we were left with a guitar, a cello, a violin, and our voices (with only our lungs to amplify the sound). And it was in this unexpected, sudden moment that we found ourselves returning to the bare root of worship and using our simple voices to glorify the Lord. No fancy equipment, no balanced microphones, no technology. Just us.

And this was the ultimate purpose of our entire tour. For as we went to each church and sang in each facility, our goal was to share Jesus, invite others into worship, and to glorify God. And the only thing that you need to do that is an authentic heart and a set of vocal chords. And it doesn’t even matter if you can match pitch because God already finds your unique voice beautiful and compelling. So, during the moments of your own life “when it all goes dark,” when you find yourself surrounded by the night, caught in a storm, feeling vulnerable and alone, without help, and without light, it is in those moments when it is most appropriate to lift your song to him. Praise him as if no one else is around, and even if they were, it wouldn’t matter. For He will meet you where you are. He will surround you with his presence. For darkness is not dark Him, so choose to praise Him anyway.
We look forward to touring next year and all that the Lord will do until that day comes! Check out the video below to watch the end of this concert and see how when it all went dark, Christ shown even brighter.