Psalm 117 commands all nations to lift up their voices in praise to the Lord, and one day in heaven, this will be our daily reality for eternity! What a beautiful image. Yet how often have we experienced a multi-ethnic worship service here on earth? For many of us, it can be hard to wrap our heads around the image of all the nations worshiping our Lord together.

While I, (Katie Shaw Ficker) am far from having experienced what we will someday know in heaven, I have had the privilege of serving on the mission field not only in a culture very different than the one I grew up in, but also with a group of other missionaries that are themselves from a variety of different countries. In one of our worship services, we might have people from Guatemala—the country where I served—as well as Switzerland, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Spain, England, and the United States. To add even more to the mix, beautiful Guatemala’s national language is Spanish, but the many different Mayan tribes in Guatemala still speak their own dialects. So, if everyone in our group showed up for the same worship service, we would have over ten different languages represented! What a small glimpse into the magnificence that occurs when the stunning, multi-cultural body of Christ comes together to worship our God!

A couple of years ago, the Lord led my family back to the United States for a season, just as the Bannisters were joining our ministry in Guatemala. Having a heart for worship and people, the Lord gave Adam the song “Hallelujah Amen” along with a desire to see this song testify to the beauty of the nations lifting their voices to the Lord in worship. During the Bannisters’ time there, as their relationships with locals and staff deepened, Adam was able to bring together the group of people that brought this worship song to life in five different languages: English, Spanish, French, Shona, and K’iche’! The words are powerful in their message, yet simple enough for any listener to make them their own song of praise to the Lord. Join us in worshipping with the nations as we all lift our own hallelujahs to our great King of Kings!

Psalm 117
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.