I Trust You
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
I lean, not on my own understanding
I lean, not on my own understanding
I lean, not on my own understanding
In all my ways Lord, I acknowledge thee
I trust You
With all my heart
I trust You
With all my heart
I trust You
With all my heart
With all my heart
For He sets my path straight before me

Dive Deeper
Anyone who has had their driver’s license for more than a few months probably knows what it’s like to navigate an unfamiliar road. It can be nerve-wracking at times to figure out which exits to take or which turns to make. Thankfully, in this 21st century, GPS technology is available for drivers. An app on a phone or a device with a robotic voice can magically give you the proper directions to your desired destination.
Sometimes, the routes that a GPS gives do not make much sense to our human brains. I know I have driven down many sketchy roads in the woods thinking, “how in the world is this going to get me to where I want to go?” But, every time, those roads somehow lead me to the address I typed into my phone. I’ve learned to trust my GPS because I know there are many times when I cannot find my way, and that robotic voice has faithfully guided me so far.
While God does not often speak using a clear and audible voice, God often guides us the way a GPS does. However, a major distinction is that when we navigate through life, we are not the ones who pick our destination. That is God’s job, and we are called to trust Him and follow His guidance.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
When we completely trust the Lord with our life, we surrender our own wisdom and plans to Him. Often, we want to give God our hopes and dreams and ask Him to tell us how to get there. While it is good to have desires and ambition, it is important to know that trusting in God means trusting that He will lead us to the place that we should go. And, the place that God intends for us to go may not always be the place we had in mind.
In Proverbs, we are instructed to submit to the Lord in every way. What does that look like? Submission to God will look different for everyone, but essentially it will mean that in every circumstance, we try to think of God’s will above our own. When we submit to God in our careers, relationships, hobbies, etc., God promises to give us a straight path to tread on.
Submitting to God does not mean that our paths in life will always be easy to travel on. It is likely that we will need to climb mountains and walk through dark valleys during our time on earth. God does not promise us a life of ease when we trust Him, but He does promise that our paths in this life will be straight. He promises us that our journey will be prepared for us, and it will be clear where we should go.
We may not always know which steps to take in the timing that we wish for, but God promises to never leave us in the dark. His light and His Word will shine on the path we are to take. God asks us to trust Him, and when we are depending on the Creator of the universe, there is no need to fear the path ahead.
Questions for Reflection
How have you noticed God guiding you in your life so far?
In what ways do you struggle to lean on your own understanding and trust yourself more than God?
What are some ways you can surrender these aspects over to Him?
Right now, is there a certain circumstance or decision where you don’t know which path to take? How can you submit to God in this area and follow His lead?
Recite this verse to yourself once, and then change the perspective to first person. “I trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways Lord, I acknowledge You”.